Soetendal Bushcamp
Private, Quiet, and Sheltered Camp Site
Situated just over an hour from Cape Town
Create unforgettable memories with your family and friends at this hidden treasure
Self- Catering Tented Camping Site
Soetendal Bushcamp is an outdoor-lover’s treasure that is hidden away just outside Cape Town.
At our bushcamp you can hear birds singing, experience the most breath-taking sunrises and sunsets, see the stars clearly while enjoying smores, and create the most amazing memories with your family, friends, and your loved-one.
Each luxury tent is private, shaded and sleeps 2 people in a double bed. Each unit has its own outside lounge area with 2 camping chairs and a small table to enjoy your morning coffee/breakfast in nature's paradise. This is the best camping spot for those of us that enjoy a hassle-free experience and love to be comfortable while in nature.
There are 10 different tents so it's perfect for large and small groups. Reserve your tents today at the top camping site in the Western Cape.
Our Facilities:
Entertainment area
We have a great self-catering communal entertainment area where you can enjoy good company, good food, and drinks. It includes a fireplace, kitchen facilities, tables, chairs and shutter blinds for those windy nights.
Picnic on the lawn
Spend a lazy day soaking up the sun and have a lovely picnic overlooking our beautiful dam. This will certainly be a lovely way to spend your afternoon.
Picnic on the lawn
Spend a lazy day soaking up the sun and have a lovely picnic overlooking our beautiful dam. This will certainly be a lovely way to spend your afternoon. Enjoy stargazing, sunsets and swimming at this camp resort.
Communal ablution facility
It includes hot running water, showers and toilets. Even while camping you still have the luxury of a hot shower, clean flushing toilets and electricity.
Pictures of Paradise
Take a look at our pictures captured in and around our premises.
Adventure is calling!
Plan an Unforgettable Experience at Soetendal Bushcamp Today!
Prices starting from R800.00 per tent per night
Affordable Campsite with provided tent accommodation
Book Your Stay Now